Friday, September 30, 2011

Messages on the Tape

I woke up this morning...yes, that is a bit assumed, but just in case it's not, I woke up and it was morning.  So the first thing I do before my feet hit the ground was first to turn off the damn alarm clock. Then the one piece of "advice" I try to implement, after thousands of dollars of therapy, is to "hit the play button" of happy and healthy tapes that run through my mind.  Apparently for many years I have risen and "hit the wrong play button" and have exposed my mind to unhealthy and negative messages.  If I choose to play the right tapes these apparently will magically rewrite what I have been hearing for the past few decades and I will view the world and myself with a different attitude and mindset.  Sounds simple enough, yes? NO!

I do not know, maybe I am just wishing negativity in my life.  My dear friend tells me that I cling to negative messages, especially about myself because that's what I believe I deserve.  Being a counselor for almost 20 years, you would think I would have had this all figured out by now.  But what is it they say about people who choose counseling as a profession?  Maybe I thought by changing my career at midlife all my "issues" would go away.  Unfortunately they have not and I still wage war on a daily basis with my thoughts.  No positive mantra has been able to penetrate defeat to those messages going through my head.  However, after the past few days I am reloading with new ammunition and a different battle plan.

As I stated in my previous post, I cannot choose for other people what words or actions they put out into the universe, I can only choose my own.  Words and actions of others are beyond my control.  I personally spend way too much energy trying to shoot back or down those words and waste too much time trying to change the thinking that formed the words.  I cannot.  Sometimes the words of others are cutting and spoken out of pure intense emotion and slice right to the core of my being.  In response I choose to fight back and either spew words to retaliate the pain their words just caused me or I pathetically grovel and desperately try to change their opinion of either me or the situation. How sad that in a moment, maybe a very emotionally intense moment, but none the less, a reactionary moment, I lose confidence in who I am because of another person's choice of thoughts, words and actions.  Wow, what a waste of my time and energy.  And who am I to empower someone else to such an extent?  No one's thoughts or opinions should be able to injure me in such a way that creates a hemorrhage in my being but also creates a scar in my mind for years, months, days, hours or even minutes.

I am not saying that I shouldn't listen to well thought out constructive criticism spoken out of care for who I am.  I have a few friends who play that role in my life and I welcome it.  I am saying that when put into a situation, especially one that is heated, there are a few steps that could help not allow permanent disability to my mind.  First, if a discussion is so hot that nothing productive is being said, or is just lined with insults, I need to walk away.  Everyone can say something out of anger or rage and cause harmful damage.  When this is happening, I just need to walk away and end the conversation.  If I am engaged in a heated discussion where personal attacks are not the forefront but there is a high intensity level, I should carefully listen to what is being said.  However, as much as I am able, I should respond in a calm and controlled manner.  Emotionally reacting to another person's words is not going to be productive.  If I cannot respond in a constructive manner, once again, I need to walk away until the emotions have subsided.

Finally, if I am able to maintain the conversation without being swept into the emotion, afterward I must analyze what was said.  I must think to myself, "What do I know to be true?".  Was there truth in what was said?  What do I have to take responsibility for, if anything?  If I acted inappropriately was it truly a reflection of who I am, or was it just me being human?  Do I need to seek forgiveness from a person?  Do I need to grant forgiveness?  Do I need to forgive myself?  Lastly, do I need to change my future actions or words so that, IF I contributed to this situation I will not do it again.  That last IF is huge!  I need to truly look at a situation and discern, is this really about me and my actions or is it someone else's?  IF I contributed in any way, then yes, I need to make adjustments.  IF not, then I need to LET IT GO!!  That is the hard part for me.  I cannot allow another person's words or actions to have power over me and change the way I think about myself if they are not true.  I must be true to myself, and if I cannot be true to myself, that is a different topic altogether.  However, knowing who I am and what I know to be true is key.  Sometimes I need to just remind myself of those things.  Hey maybe those thousands of dollars in therapy will pay off...and those tapes filled with positive and true messages I play through my head will help me see the world and more importantly myself as I should; with a healthy mindset and attitude.

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